Tuesday, March 29, 2011

What would you do. How do you feel.

How would you feel if you did something so great and someone took credit for it. Many african american who invented things that we use every day did not receive credit for it. Garrett A. Morgan invented the tarffic light and he don't always receive credit for it all the time. How would you feel if this happen to you.


  1. I would feel really upset because i would want credit for everything that i do for this country it was really nice but you need more information.

  2. that was good, but you could have capatilized all your proper nouns. you could have had a little more info about the trafflc light.

  3. I feel as you shouldnt take credit for someone inventions....

  4. well this is a good page its creative and you have good infomation but it does have too much pink gurl but dats ok bucause if i was the teacher i would give you an FFFFFFFFFF nawl jus playing i would give you an AAAAAAAAAAAA for you blog good job

  5. - Justice you need to first learn what a proper noun is and for your information there is only one proper noun and his name is capatilized
